The summer after Jen and I met in Kenya, we went to Tanzania where we met three people you will hear about in this blog, Walter, John, and Marilyn.
Even though we were about the same age, John and I were years apart in maturity, myself stuck at age thirteen and he, already advancing well into his mid thirties while still physically seventeen. The difference can clearly be seen in the photos in Jen's scrapbook. John engaged in serious discussion with a Tanzanian, me making faces at the camera, John hard at work, me making faces at the camera, on and on it goes. Jen and I noticed that in several group photos, John can be seen in the background talking with the locals which, apparently, was why we all went there in the first place.
I first started reading John's thoughts on myspace and ate them up. He recently shut down that site and opened one up on blogspot. I have linked it on the side bar under ahavafriend. He just started it so there's only three posts but this is one you will definetly want to check out from time to time.
And John if you read this, I am begging, b-e-g-g-i-n-g you to retell Pigs on a Plane. That was one for the ages.
Jeremy, if you are describing me, for the record, I barely recognize the description. You are too kind. I'll see what I can do about the pig story. I did save it and I too think it is a keeper! Thanks for the encouragement to write. You, my friend, are a true inspiration to me in many ways. I look forward to our continued "chewing of the cud." Blessings Bro.
Ahh yes, my fellow troublemaker, Shannon. I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.
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