Sunday, December 31, 2006

Haystacks by Monet

I love the rhythms of life, instituted by God for our sanity, memory, and bearings. Tides, lunar cycles, seasons, comets, birth and old age, festivals, harvests, weeks and years. Jesus, you have been good to us in 2006, we thank you for your mercy, grace, and love lavished on us without restraint. Thank you for the beauties large and small that have filled our hearts and senses. Enlarge our capacity to love and trust you. Teach us how to share your love.


Randy said...

Be aware that your love of old age may diminish when you reach it.
I like the Monet's. Had not seen them before.

Ditchdigger said...

True, true. I do idolize old age like nobody's business. Having been betrayed by my body a few times now, I have had a glimpse or two into what it portions of it may contain. Mostly, I just want the wisdom part, and the stories. Happy New Year, Uncle Randy.