Friday, January 19, 2007

From the Archives - July 2003

Man's soul leaves body, photographed outside Boston church.

My favorite photo for so many reasons. First, just a great father son pic, second; a great representation of my inner man. So often internally I feel like Calvin, full of joy to the bursting point, but outwardly look just like I do in this photo; semi-catatonic. Third, the red bricks, white window frame, and green hue from the tree reflected in the window make this picture absolutely pop. Kudos to the hot wife for sneaking this one in from across the street.


brad said...

Good-ness. That is an awesome picture. You guys both look a little different now it seems.
(Nice symbolic extrapolation too.)

John said...

Love the picture! You should get this printed into postcards and send it with little notes to your friends every once in a while. I would love to have a copy.

Mike said...

No offense, bro, but the hot wife who took that photo may have mine instead of yours! I think it made it into one of your calendars. It sounded weird when I read it since I was thinking Kelley when you said hot wife! :-)

Mike said...

Oh, one more thing. It's the Old South Church where the British stabled their horses to add insult to injury during the revolution. It's also where the men of Boston decided to do something about the ships that weren't allowed to leave with their tea and the Americans wouldn't pay the tax. Your sitting on the bricks where our founding fathers' feet once tread. An amazing place at that.

Ditchdigger said...

Umm, I believe your hot wife was standing next to my hot wife and they both snapped nearly identical pics, this one is the Wilson version.

That was an amazing vacation, Mike. History everywhere!