Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Great Line

"It was a lovely night, one of those nights, dear reader, which can only happen when you are young. The sky was so bright and starry that when you looked at it the first question that came into your mind was whether it was really possible that all sorts of bad-tempered and unstable people could live under such a glorious sky."

-Opening line to White Nights,
a short story by Dostoevsky


Ditchdigger said...

Don't pay the ransom, I've escaped!

Photo taken in Cedar Rapids, Iowa last week.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back. I love what you write, both what you think and how you express it. My heart dances when I slow down for a few minutes of soul connection at the intersection of your grittiness and grace. Your are wiser than you know.

John said...

You are amazing! Thanks for feeding me again. I had almost expired without you. Can't wait till we are living under the same glorious sky -- one day!