Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Song of the Lark - Jules Breton


Ditchdigger said...

I love this picture for so many reasons. The girl looks to young to look so old. Can't tell if it's the end of the day or the beginning. Is she satisfied or depressed? Does the Song of the Lark refer to the song of the bird barely visible high above her right shoulder or to the song that appears to be forming on her lips (or is that fatigue?). I also love the colors and agricultural theme.

I have loved this painting for a long time and wanted to buy a copy for our house. When we moved to Iowa I was depressed about the move and was generally having a hard time. One of the first days we were here I helped a neighbor move some furniture in her house. As soon as I walked in I saw that she had this painting on her wall. I was so surprised that I screamed rather forcefully, "I love that painting - it's The Song of the Lark!" She said, "oh I was going to give it to goodwill, do you want it?" What an emotional moment. It was as if God was saying to me, "hey you're not a Texan anymore, but I still know where you live, p.s. - Love Ya!"

John said...

You should post this on the main page. Great story!

This reminds me of my "P.S. I love you" moment with God on my New Years retreat a couple years ago with the heat. It's a great feeling/experience.